Murder. Romance. Hippies. Deception. Family. In bestselling author Angela Nicole Chu’s suspense romance thriller series, The Belle Âme Chronicles, the Washingtons just wanted to find their missing cousin. They wound up committing a murder. Someone knows the truth and wants them dead.

Where it all started

Coming soon

Book 3

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Book 2

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Book 1

The Vampires' Serenade

When signs point to Georgia’s return, Blythe and Nathalian team up to uncover the truth. But can they do so without also revealing their darkest secrets and tainting the one thing that they care about most: their marriage?

The Washingtons are the artistic, hippie family that everyone knows and side-eyes. Holed up in their own private compound, affectionately christened “Belle Âme”, the Washingtons keep to themselves unless it is time for one of patriarch Nathalian's stage performances.

Meet the Cast of The Vampires' Serenade

Meet the rest of the cast

The Story So Far


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Jelly tiramisu gummi bears jelly beans dragée dragée cupcake fruitcake.


Jelly beans pastry toffee halvah caramels. Jujubes chocolate cake croissant powder marshmallow lemon drops jujubes gingerbread gingerbread.

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It’s happening again... Three months after secrets and deception rocked the Washington family, Blythe and Nathalian remain haunted by everything that transpired, while Edwin and Moira get cozy in their new roles as parents.

Reaper's Creek